Nashirnet assumes that the content and use of the shared hosting managed by the clients are legal , and any complaint against any content gives Nashirnet the complete right to suspend the website concerned and notify the concerned client to resolve the problem to unsuspend that service . Such cases includes :
Publishing pictures or text against religion,ethics or honor.
Any try to hack other websites on the same host server
Publishing secret information or “not for publish “ data.
Publishing copyrighted data .
Anything threating or harming a person or a group.
Providing fake data or services .
Publishing viruses or any malware.
Anything related to hacking or spying other websites .
Installing any script may affect the host server performance ( proxy , mass email )
Any fishing websites or pages.
Nashirnet has the complete right to remove a complete or part of the service content if classified as illegal or against the service terms and conditions.
Overloading the server resources threats your service to be suspended.
1000 Email are allowed to be sent per day , and over that will be blocked.
The technical support not including installing or supporting softwares or hacks installed.
In case the client website has been hacked , it's not Nashirnet responsibility to resolve the problem or specifying the cause of the hacking unless it was through a server level threat.
Nashirnet provide daily,weekly and monthly backup for the client website but not guarantees the health of the backup unless agreed with the client on that with extra charges . And the client has the right to ask for restoring any backup by opening a support ticket to the technical support team.
The client has the complete right to take a complete backup of his website if he wants to move out provided that there is no late financial deus .
In case the client moved out to other hosting company , he gain the right to ask again for another complete backup of his website within 1 week of leaving Nashirnet , and after this period Nashirnet has the complete right to permanently delete anything related to the client service (backups , content ).